Saturday, August 06, 2005

it had been a busy week for me.. that's y i haven't been blogging for about a week.. other than that short short post... managed to finish my FMS project.. with alot of things happening.. since it's over... no point mentioning.. haha.. i also kinda forget liao lah.. this kinda small little things... anyway.. i started my spanish IS also... it was fun.. but this slow melinda don't understand that fast nia... i've got to work hard man! week as usual.. busy... haven't been at home in the night for most of my days... monday: ensemble, tues: home, wed: home(with classmates around.. doing prject, thurs: Band, friday: TPJC concert... today: fireworks... ahahaZ! next week my schedule is about the same liao loh.. more test and exam.. from wed till fri.. i'm fainting.. i've got SERIOUSLY no time to study loh.. i'm going to die liao... maybe repeat modules... who knows.. talking about which.. i got back my FMGT scores liao... 39.5/50... hahah! talking about this mark.. it's really funny.. coz i finally got to shoot back the class mate who always like to say that i'm smart.... BAH....

Am helping out in AESband for the performance tml... something shocking happened today.. i still can't forget it loh.. i mean.. it's not normal for that person to say something to me sia.. haha! fire works was fantastic though we chose the wrong spot.. boo!! but nonetheless.. i saw it!! it's NICE... haha i'm a bit kua zhang ar... almost didn't wanna go today.. coz i'm very tired... woke up early for AES... oh.. i'm so glad... Mr. Yiong says that 3rd clar is good today!! hee..! kinda proud of them too! i hope they will have more confident in their music and play well! welll... after today.. i think they can do it.. it's the matter of they want or don't want.. the matter of being confident of their playing of not.. and of course.. the thing that always get ppl moving... assurance... keep it up clars!! heee... bleah! but still.. i'm kinda moodless today.. i starte my day great today.. but then dunnoe y.. i've got those kinda.. i-don't-feel-like-talking attitude loh.. and i think.. i talked less today.. some might not agree lah..

haha.. played persis in NP band today... haha! azman, me and bea was in 1st.. haha! so nic eloh! hahaa bleh bleh bleh bleh... it's those kinda piece whch is like... poet... letting ur fingers to do "magic" clars have all those run run thingy.. hahah i guess is the winds lah.. not only the clars.. heee... also played Lord of the Dance.. it "killed" me... coz it's like.. fast.. and then it's all semi-quaver tonguing.. hee.. but i'm quite proud of myself today... i manange to trash through most of persis (coz i can't sight read the runs fast enough) and played Lord of the dance with those semi-quavers... after band went out with peee they all, to town then to esplanade for fireworks... nice.....


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