Sunday, November 08, 2009

should i still continue with blogging?
been yrs....

Saturday, July 07, 2007

sigh.. while clicking on "new post", i asked myself.. why do i still blog when i guess, prob, no one reads this blog anymore?

last i blog was quite sometime back.. it's already july now...

work is taking it's toll on me...
low moral? SIGH...

ohhhs.. ytr i took half day again.. =)
had dinner (but for ya all is supper) with glen, brian and florence.... @ meritius mandarin's Chatterbox.. haven't been there for quite sometime.. but well.. i totally enjoy it...

today... didn't go anywhere ecp for chinatown.. and to central to do some stuffs...
a lil sianz lah...

tml? mel gonna watch dim sum dollies..

bleahs... my posts are all so boring...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

so much things so much things!!!

i took 1.5 days of leave... of which.. perhaps only 0.5 days is constructive.. the rest of it? rot and rot.. slp and slp...

and now... there are so many things that are going wrong...
i stop liking dance?
i got misunderstood?
my distance with someone is clearly there...
i'm lost in life?
and i'm missing somebody?

Other than these, everything is fine!!
but those things are a lil affecting me lah.... esp the 3 point...
friends for so long...... ARGH! damn it!

i should put everything down ba... things change... when ppl walk on the journey of life, they meet lots of things.. forget lots of things.. take on different things and perhaps.. realise how ugly u might be at the end of the day?

am looking at my blog which i haven't been visiting jus now... i'm wondering.. if anyone is really reading.. and if i should jus delete it. a lil no point. also no time to blog... also nth to blog... blah

Thursday, June 07, 2007

when was my last post? may 22... not as long as it seems....

and when will be my last post? i dunnoe...

losing interest in everything..
my friend is correct. i'm losing myself. i really am.

i feel like breaking down and let out a big cry...
but why can't i??

i miss doing so much things.. and i miss so much ppl.

i dunnoe what i'm doing.. but i know i'm definitely losing it....

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

is there any kind hearted souls out there who would buy me either a E65 (red) or a red ipod 4GB?

melinda is dreaming!!!!

moody.. pek chek.. feel like smacking everything and anything

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Melinda is thinking about negative things again...

as usual... some ppl can motivate me.. while some can jus make me feel otherwise...
these few days.. its jus.. feeling otherwise.

Am i starting to regret that i'm not pursuing a degree? perhaps so.
i realised, putting a dip holder and a deg holder together, ppl will pick a conversation up with the deg holder..

I also realised that looks are darn impt? not to mention.. figure too.. having it.. is like having all the money in the world... without eat? can eat shit kind..... what a society! hate it hate it...

I think.. i won't go and buy N80 le.. ='(
go and get a tv for my room is better.. when i come home from work.. at times i can't couldn't slp.. jus wanna watch tv... but.. BAH i can't! cos places where the tv are, there will be ppl slping there!

like whtever... i'm so damn disappointed still... this time. i'm not going to expect anything nor something.. i've just seen how i'm treated... as a friend... hanging on for so many yrs... i finally woke up..

Sunday, May 13, 2007

i'm.. disappointed.. happy... and tired..

die le lah.. i still can't get used to london hours.. 2am i already yawn like mad liao! HELP ME!!! going forward, i still have to work till about 3am? 4am?!

i'm disappointed.... cos of certain things...

i hope that this week will be better...

i know certain things won't last.. but somehow.. i think about it