had been doing projects on the HK trip and preparing myself for the trip! i'm simply.. lazy!! can't stand it. my luggage is half packed, then i dunnoe wht to put and bring... can't make a decision. argh!.. then worry about the luggage space.. will i have enough space for me to come back? blar blar... headach loh.. this trip is a HEADACH! other trips of mine also not this "troublesome" i'm gonna wear my court shoes there.. than change.. and wht's the 2nd pair of shoes i should bring? i think bring that BATA that shoes lah.. i wanna go there and buy shoes. i seriously think i do not have enough space to bring back all the things i will buy. no as if i'm going to buy alot lah.. but.. luggage already kinda full le.
i'm now SO SO SO tired.. ytr i slpt at 5am.. woke up at 10am. lack of slp = nonsensical melinda... ah.. i'm relactant to go out now.. but i've got to change money.... gonna change only 300 sing.. and bring about 80 sing ba... sigh.. do i always make the wrong choices? i think i made the wrong choice to go HK... quite a no. of things are troubling me now. the trip.. after the trip... and some other things. paranoid melinda... okay lah.. i'm going to prepare to go out le.. let me sort out wht i wanna say then come and blog.. hee...